Add real-time machine translation feature

All texts (books, commentaries, lexicons etc) should be possible to translate. Google translation is a very powerful tool nowadays, and could be for non-native English speaking persons with a bunch of English texts to read. My proposal therefore is, to have a possibility to 1. right click somewhere on a page and have the option "Translate continuously" and if selected a show selectable list of available languages the origin text could be translated to and 2. select a specific text with a left button selection, then right click and get an option to "Translate selected text" and if selected, show a selectable list of available languages the origin text could be translated to. In the first case the text should be translated in the default window and no new window should be shown. A "go back to origin language" option should be available with a right click. In the second case, a new window with the selected text should be shown, with the translated text. By clicking somewhere else, it should disappear. Only the default origin text language should be translated, other languages should not (hebrew, greek, latin, transliteration etc).

Attached images

Björn Pettersson posted about 3 years ago

